Blog Interviews

My C-section Story – Arinola BA

Hello everyone,

Arinola is a child of God who is a wife, mother and a real estate developer. She is passionate about marriage and family life. In her spare time, she watches football and she is an ardent Chelsea fan.

Like most other women, I was looking forward to a vaginal delivery, but I still remember the disappointment I felt when I was told that I would need to have a C-Section.

Growing up, my mum, aunties, and even grandmum, in their many discussions, portrayed a C-Section as something that was not good. That sort of birthed an inner conflict.

Also, I had read of cases of women dying during C-sections so I had those fears. Thankfully, my husband quickly stepped in to allay my fears.

I was asked to come into the hospital a day to the surgery. I got there and all the ‘preliminary essentials’ were carried out.

After that, my blood sample was taken. I was screened for HIV, Hepatitis, and some other diseases. They all returned negative. Meanwhile, before then, I had been told that blood was going to be arranged for me just in case I would need a transfusion.

I hated the idea. I did not want anybody’s blood in my body because I did not know if they had any diseases. My doctor assured me that donated blood was screened so I had nothing to fear.

I told him that I preferred my husband to donate blood if I needed it. He was the only one I trusted and I knew I would have nothing to fear if I got infused with his blood (we’re the same blood group and all his screening tests came out perfect).

Anyway, on the D-day, I was not allowed to eat anything. Infact, I had stopped eating about 12 hours before the procedure. About an hour before I was wheeled into the theatre, a catheter was inserted into my urethra. I think the purpose of that was to get me to pass urine during the procedure. I found the process very painful.

There was a team of about 15 people in the theatre who were waiting to receive me – nurses, surgeon, doctors, anaesthetists, the baby’s doctor, etc.

When I got in, I was given anaesthesia. It was injected into my spine. I did not even know the process had started until I was moved a bit. I felt nothing!

My husband was behind me holding my hands and playing with my hair. A few minutes later, my baby was out. I heard his cries and I burst out crying myself.

He was brought to me and first thing I noticed about him was his very prominent dimples (I have dimples too). I fell in love immediately. I could not wait to have him in my arms.

The baby’s doctor and some nurses took him away to clean him up but I remained for about another 30 minutes. I was wheeled out but I could not walk. 

I was given my baby to breastfeed but there was no milk on the first day, so the midwives fed him with baby milk. By the second day, I had started walking around, and I was perfectly fine.

I am glad I went the C-section route. I had taken the advice of my doctor and I have no regrets. Please, go for it if it is needed. Many women have died because they insisted on having a vaginal delivery when it was not wise for them to do so.

What matters is to leave the hospital with a healthy child. There is no award in heaven for having a vaginal delivery.

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  1. Arinola BA says:

    Wow thank you so much for sharing, ma.

    I am so grateful to God for His undeserved kindness to me.

    I am glad I received sense early enough to ditch all those fables about C-Sections.

    God is our Father and He has promised to protect us.

    I kept meditating on His word during the process.

    We bless God.

    1. Ufuoma Fijabi says:

      Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. You are appreciated.

  2. Aramide says:

    Interesting story. Mine was an emergency CS. I also didn’t want CS not after all the prayers that I will deliver easily.

    I was induced and felt no pain, the nurses were surprised, one of them encouraged me to push as they could see the baby’s head :she said I don’t want you to go through CS after everything.
    MY husband agreed to CS before me and I was surprised. In all I thank God.

  3. Ufuoma Fijabi says:

    Thank you so much ma’am for sharing your story with us.

    1. Ufuoma Fijabi says:

      Thank God your husband stepped in to save the day. During mine, my husband quickly consented being that he is in the medical profession and knew the implications of my case.

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