The holidays are over and the kids are back at school. My little girl showed lots of excitement while my 7 year old son seemed not too excited. I guess he had a lot of fun playing, watching TV and being around his family for 4 full weeks. He also knows that work begins in earnest. Less TV and more school work.
My children went back to school yesterday morning. I beheld smiling faces and happy feet.
I said my goodbyes and waved back at some of the teachers. They looked excited. I guess they are ready for another 12 weeks of teaching, listening and impacting lives. I headed back home.
I am in a new season of my mothering journey and I must learn to embrace it with my whole heart.
It is another season of early rising, packing of meals, school dropoffs and pickups. These are some routine things I get to do for now in this new season.
But I must also never forget to pray for and with them. I must encourage them to say their daily affirmations. I must watch them and listen to them. I must look out for bad behaviour and correct it. I must allow them to express themselves. I must be present to always support and encourage them.
Every second and minute counts in our motherhood journey. And while some mothers become fearful and frustrated. at the start of a new school term, others are eager to have the kids leave the house.
Motherhood remains a high calling. We are here to plant seeds. And the seeds we plant have the potential to grow and bear good fruits for generations to come.
I choose to embrace my role and make this season meaningful.
So this is how I welcomed a new school term.
– With Gratitude
– With Thanksgiving
– With Prayers
– With Affirmations
– With Courage
– With Love
– With Joy
Dear mother,
How did you welcome this new school term?
How are you embracing new seasons in your life?
What kind of seeds will you be planting for the next 12 weeks?
May God fill the hearts and minds of our children with wisdom. May he preserve and keep them always. Amen!
Many Hugs,