
5 Ways To Get Inspired This Year

Woman in an art exhibition

Happy New Year!

It feels great to be in this new season, with new dreams, new hopes, new desires, new aspirations and new opportunities.

I am so glad we made it here>>>>>>2018.

2018 is finally here and we have all been given the same opportunity to make our lives meaningful. It is a 365 page book, work to make your own story inspiring.

Some of us may ask, so how can I get inspired? How do I get motivated to start the year fired up? I believe that inspiration can be seen and felt all around us, we only need to be still and look for it, you will always find something or someone to inspire you.

So here are 5 ways to get inspired this year:

Take out some time this year to be alone to reflect on your life and journey so far. Be grateful for how far you have come. Spend a good amount of time thinking clearly about your future, your dreams, your goals and your action plan for the year. Think about where you are now and where you want to be. In those quiet moments, we get to receive answers to many nagging questions and find direction for our lives. 

The mind is a powerful tool given to us by God. Use your imagination this year. Use your imagination to break limitations. Use your imagination to see possibilities. Use your imagination to enter places you never dreamt possible. Use your imagination to see solutions. Use your imagination to create. Make up your mind this year to draw inspiration from the catalogue of possibilities in your imagination.

It is true that words are powerful whether written or spoken, and that these words have the power to influence or destroy our lives. Choose to draw inspiration from words this year, whether written or spoken.

Perhaps the year has started on a low note and you need some inspiration to birth new dreams and find purpose. Simply get a good book on your desired subject and read through. Read the stories of great men and women and draw some inspiration from their journey. You can start with a good autobiography or memoir(feel free to suggest any in the comments section). Get inspired this year reading some great books.

When fail to write down your ideas and thoughts, you simply let them slip away. Learn to capture the ideas and thoughts that come to you on paper this year. Have a notepad where you can write down those ideas as they come or simply use your phone to do the job

Write down quotes that inspire you. Write down substance gotten from your thinking time. Write down lessons learnt from reading a book. Capture inspiring words from a conversation. You will be amazed at what you can draw out from those writings.


Find and listen to an inspiring message as you start out the year. It is always so inspiring when you listen to someone else share his/her own story. You can also get motivated by listening to others speak on subjects like success, courage, failure and entrepreneurship. There are lots of resources out there for free. Search them out, listen and learn. Listen and grow. Listen and be empowered this year.

I am a lover of great movies and I always seek to extract lessons whenever I watch a movie. Most times between the scripts of those movies are great insights and lessons that can totally transform and liberate you. This line is from the movie Queen of Katwe“Sometimes where you are used to is not where you belong. What you believe is where you belong.” 

Just imagine how motivated you can be after seeing a great movie. Find some inspiring movie this year to watch. (Feel free to share some of those movies that have inspired you in the comments section).

I wish you a very productive and fulfilling 2018.

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  1. This is so good…I feel inspired to make a related post like this! Thank you and Happy New year

    1. Thanks a lot. I am certain to get inspired by what you will share with us.😊 thanks for reading.

  2. Liz Giertz says:

    Yes, yes, YES! Great ideas to get inspired! Thanks for sharing! Many blessings on your 2018!!

  3. Lisa Tanner says:

    Great ideas! Inspiration is waiting all around for us to find. Reading more good books is definitely a goal of mine this year!

  4. I love this list! Five great ways to fill your mind with the positive. Thank you!

    1. I am glad you liked the list. Thanks for stopping by.

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