
Friends, Moments and Memories (1)

Friends Are Those Who Leave You With Great Memories And Long Lasting Impressions.

There are friends who will walk with you for a lifetime, some others will walk with you only for a while or moment. But there are those friends who will leave you with great memories and deep lasting impressions.

I remember receiving a phone call from her that she was involved in a bike accident, somewhere on the island in Lagos. The bike man had made an error and they were hit by another vehicle. Her ankle was dislocated, she was in pain, yet she still maintained a positive and happy disposition. All the while making calls to her family and colleagues, including myself.

Some weeks later, she called me and told me that she needed help to get some things. I was not in town but I sent my younger sister to help her out. I showed up about a week later. I finally got to see her after the accident, she was healing and now used a crutch to move around.

However, what struck me about her during that season, was how she carried on with her life like nothing happened. She had set goals and went ahead to achieve them. Her dreams were still intact and she took daily steps towards achieving them.

What Friendship Means?

Ijeoma – Friends Inspire, Motivate and Challenge You

If there is one thing I will never forget about IJEOMA, it would be her positive outlook about life. She was very kind, caring, joyful, loving and passionate about her dreams.

Though she has gone home to be with the lord, great memories of her will always live in my heart. I laugh at times when I think about some things she did or said and the heartfelt and deep conversations we had.

While the tears drop silently at other times, when I think of how much she would have accomplished now. And also the many lessons I would have picked up from our heartfelt conversations in all these years. She will never be forgotten. She left a deep impression in my heart.

Ada – Sometimes It is The Little Things You Do that Truly Matter

There was this particular day several years ago, while at the University, we had just finished lectures or exams , I cannot fully recall. But I remember that the semester was coming to an end. And back then as a student, you know how it could get at the end of the semester. There was a great probability that you had used up all the money you had and also now depended on the goodwill of friends to survive.

So, here I was on this particular day with my roomie. Exams were over, and we were exhausted from school work. We stood at the car park about to go home, but the issue was how we would get back home. We lived off campus and needed money to pick a bike or take a cab home.

Meanwhile, this other friend of mine Ada, stood with us talking at that time. She had some money with her, and could easily have waved us goodbye and hopped on the next available bike.

But without me uttering a word, she quickly brought out the money on her, split it and took the least amount. She gave us the larger chunk knowing that our house was farther and left. I never forgot that act of kindness she showed that day. She made a deep impression in my heart in that one singular moment.

Pamela – Friends Teach Daily About Life If Only You Can See and Not Just Look

Also, while at the University, if you were not prudent with your resources as a student, the last days of a semester could get very frustrating. But there she was in my room, right from the hostel till we moved together off-campus. Her name is Pamela and she had a way with using little to feed us well – a great skill in home management that her late mother had taught her.

There was no room for wastages around her. She was also very creative in using what was available to make tasty meals for us. This part of her, I know has helped her a lot in her journey in motherhood. But what I liked a lot about her and definitely never forgot, was her thoughtfulness and caring heart. You could feel the sincerity in her heart, each time she looked out for you. And this I will never forget – her support in times of need and challenges.

Joy – Friends Always Show Up At The Right Time

Joy opened the doors of her house to me when I had challenges at school. I had no direct friend to squat with at that time. But she housed me, fed me and kept encouraging me till I weathered that storm in my life.

I remember arriving school from Lagos at about 12.30am one night. It was a whole day’s trip. She waited outside for me till I got a bike to her apartment. She really did not owe me anything. She was younger but the respect between us was mutual and we always had great conversations. I never forgot her act of kindness.

This also takes me back to sweet Faith and how she accommodated three of us in her self-contained apartment at the University. We had accommodation issues, but she willingly took us in. Her brother Ose gave up his space so that three of us would have a place to lay our heads.

But I also thank God for the prayers we prayed together in that season, declarations we made and laughter shared. I know that God answered us. I am always reminded that good and selfless people still exist when I recall your act of kindness.

Thelma – Sometimes Friendship Has Nothing to Do With Age

Can I forget my dear friend Thelma? It is always hard to believe that we met online about 18 years ago. Thelma is warm, loving and kind to a fault.

Though older than me, she says I am like the elder sister she never had. We have had great conversations about life, marriage and giving. However, her heart and desire to help and bless the needy has always being a great source of inspiration to me. She has been so consistent with this passion God put in her heart.

She currently runs a charity organization that has given food items, school supplies and neatly used closed and shoes to the needy and vulnerable (widows and children) for the past 10 years. I was shocked to see that in the midst of this pandemic – she still did what she loves doing.

I also happen to have a friend who bears the same name, Ufuoma with me. We also share the same birth date, even though she is a year older. I met her for the first time when I started work months after having my first child. We clicked and bonded almost immediately. Her dimples make me smile a lot.

Ufuoma – There Are Things About a Friend That Makes You Happy

We have teased and argued with each other a few times. I can tease, laugh out loud with her and get serious with her all at the same time. I love the resilient spirit in her. But one thing, I probably will never forget is how much she encouraged me in my 5-year waiting period before I had my second child. She literally screamed when I told her I was finally pregnant. Her encouragement in that season left a deep impression in my heart.

Vivian – Never Let That Deep Nudge In Your Spirit About A Friend Go Unattended To.

I remember Vivian today as well. I met her through Ijeoma who passed away 9 years ago. Unfortunately, Vivy passed away some weeks ago. Her smile lights up a room and her flawless command of English Language is admirable. I just loved the way she spoke.

Through some of the toughest health challenges life threw at her – she fought gallantly with grace, strength and faith. Her cells may have been sickly, but her passion and determination to live and give was unprecedented.

I probably would have felt so bad to hear about her death, after having not communicated with her in a long time. I am glad I obeyed that nudge in my spirit to call her.

Thank God for the short conversations we had and the prayers we shared. You prayed specifically for me as a mother and for my children. I never knew you were on your way out. God will keep your husband and son.

How can I forget my able cell leader AKA Sister Ruth? And she has not stopped calling me Sister Ufuoma. (LOL). When you talk about determination and faith, her life embodies those words. From struggling on her own to get an education and being financially independent. Her story is indeed an inspiration.

She currently runs RUCHINA CATERING SERVICES. She loves cooking and can feed you fat. She is one person that can call me up at anytime and I will listen to what she has to say. She can yab(tease) ooo, but it is always a joy to be around her. We shared Jesus with others together, we prayed together and have grown together. Your resilience and how you celebrate others made a deep impression in my heart.

Time will fail me to mention others like Stella, my childhood friend, Stella, my school fellowship leader, Josephine, Mummy Jenny, Damitie, Yemisi my room mate during NYSC. You all made me laugh, strong and hopeful. And you also taught me valuable lessons about life and God.

Thank you for giving me good memories and making deep impressions in my heart through your thoughtfulness, support, encouragement and acts of kindness. Our relationship in one season or the other brought light into my life. And I am grateful that our paths crossed at one point in our lives.

This is my question to you now.

What impressions have your friends made in your life?

Photo by Leighann Blackwood on Unsplash

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1 Comment

  1. A great post without any doubt.

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