
What is ‘The Blessing’?

What is ‘The Blessing’ ?

The Jewish code says, “Blessings are generational, leave a heritage and pass on a legacy.”

I once read about Jonathan Edward who sat down with his eleven children every single day.  He spent an hour each day and prayed a special prayer over each of children.

The effect of his prayers was seen many years after as his lineage produced:⁣

1. 285 College Graduate⁣s
2. 300 Preachers ⁣
3. 13 college Presidents⁣
4. 65 college Professors⁣
5. 100 lawyers and a dean of Law School⁣
6. 30 Judges⁣
7. 56 Physicians and a Dean of Medical School⁣
8. 80 holders of Public Office.
9. 3 United State Senators ⁣
10. 1 Vice President of the United States⁣
11. 1 Comptroller of the United States Treasury⁣

It is very evident that the seeds planted in the hearts of Jonathan Edward’s children blossomed⁣ into mighty trees.

So if I may ask you today,

What will your family tree look like in years to come? Are you deliberate and intentional about planting the right seeds in the heart and lives of your children?⁣

‘The Blessing’ spoken and affirmation of a child are very important to a child’s mental and emotional development. And it is good to note that  ‘The Blessing’ once  spoken cannot be reversed.⁣

The ancients understood the power of both blessing and cursing. In traditional Jewish homes, parents often bless their children on Friday evenings when they celebrate the Sabbath. They lay their hands on their children’s heads and pronounce blessings.⁣

But the good news is that, you don’t have to be Jewish to do this and it also must not be on a Friday.

You can start planting generational seeds of greatness in your children today.⁣ It is never too late to start. Your words command a blessing.⁣

Will you invest generously in your children today?

Will you speak blessings to your children today and always?

© Queenette Enilama

Queenette Enilama is an Emotional intelligence coach, Educator and Voice Over Artist. She is also the author of two amazing books – The Affirmed Boy and My Body Buddy.

Queenette is a woman of many talents and she embraces it all. She has 10-years worth of experience in tutoring and child management and is very passionate about raising the boy child intentionally.

She is the founder of the Noboyleftbehind academy where they mentor, groom and re-orientate boys.

She also runs an online club for children aged 7-13, where she teaches emotional intelligence and civility. She engages about 50 kids every week to instill confidence, empathy amongst other soft skills.

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