
Thanksgiving- An Undeniable Source of Power in a Mother’s Life

When you hear the word ‘Thanksgiving’, what comes to your mind?

It is true that in North America, there is an annual national holiday marked by religious observances and a traditional meal called ‘Thanksgiving Day’.

But what does the word ‘THANKSGIVING’ really mean?

This is what it means.

Thanksgiving is the act of giving thanks. It is the expression of gratitude, especially to God. It is a grateful acknowledgment of benefits or favors, especially to God.

Most times as mothers, we may find ourselves in the deepest of valleys, where our faith is tested beyond limits. We are overwhelmed and have no words to say.

How then can you be thankful in the midst of the hopelessness?

Why should you even give thanks when it looks like God has abandoned you?

When do you even find that time in your busyness to say ‘thank you’ to the one who has kept you and brought you this far?

It cannot be denied that a mother who constantly lives in a state of thanksgiving radiates an inner light and beauty from within.

She is hooked to an unseen source of power that keeps her sailing through the storms of life with ease and calm.

Have you been overlooking this undeniable source of power in your life as a mother?

Then, join me every Sunday in the month of July as we explore this powerful subject – Thanksgiving.

I am so excited about how our hearts and lives will be changed for good.

Feel free to invite your mummy friends as we learn and grow on this journey together.

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