Blog Interviews

My C-section Story – Oluwatosin Ajose Popoola


My name is Oluwatosin Ajose Popoola and I am a lawyer. I have decided to share my C-section story for two reasons.

The first reason is to change the mindset that women who had children via C-section are not strong or ‘womanly’ enough. And the second reason why I decided to share my C-section story is to dispel the ‘Hebrew Women Myth’. For indeed it is a myth and not biblical. 

On the 21st of August, 2015, I went to the hospital for a routine ante-natal checkup (although I had experienced pains the night before my visit). It turned out that I had been in labor all through the night.

My doctor examined me and decided to carry out a scan. So, apparently I had a condition called Oligohydramnios. My amniotic fluid had diminished and he recommended that we carry out a C-section immediately.

Oligohydramnios is a deficient volume of amniotic fluid; it is associated with maternal and fetal complications.

In his opinion, I could be induced but the baby might sustain brain damage among other complications. A C-Section was the safest medical decision for me at that point in time.

I called my husband and elder sister. My husband was scared, apparently he had heard a lot of stories that women die in the process of C-section. Was I scared? No, I was not scared, not during the course of the surgery or afterwards. 

Why was I not scared? I had read a lot about the procedure. I had faith in God and confidence in my doctor. During my routine ante natal visits, I had developed a relationship with him and I was certain that he would only take decisions that will be in my best interest.

Now, the major challenge I struggled with (which no literature prepared me for) was people’s perception of C- sections.  Some persons by their attitude and words made me feel that I was not strong enough to have gone through the ‘stress’ of labour, hence the reason for my C- Section. 

A close family member even accused me of deliberately setting out to waste my husband’s money by having my baby via C- section.

Some said (because I’m a lawyer), I only ‘know book’ and don’t know how to be a mother. In their blinded opinion, vaginal delivery makes one a mother. This perception affected me mentally and reduced my self-esteem at that point in time. I guess it also affected my recovery.

When I was about to have my second child about 4 years later, I opted for elective C-section. This time around, I was armed with information and had heard stories of women who had successful C-sections.

I also worked on my self-esteem and further came to the realization that the method of giving birth will not determine my self-worth as a woman. 

I know that I could have attempted to have a VBAC (Vaginal birth after Cesarean section), but what’s the point of putting myself through the stress of labour?

Now, this is the perk of having an elective C- section. I had the opportunity of picking a ‘convenient’ day for my procedure and at my instance, backed with my doctor’s advice. I chose to have my baby on the 2nd day of April, 2020.

The journey to recovery was fantastic. I deliberately chose to shut out all persons with wrong perceptions and focus on my baby. And in less than 24- hours, I was on my feet. Within 32-hours I was in a good enough shape to receive visitors, take pictures and take a short stroll in my ward. I was prepared both mentally and physically.

On both occasions, the emotion I felt afterwards was relief. Relief that the journey of 9-months ended successfully. Relief that my babies were healthy and not deformed in any way due to birth complications that could have arisen if I had chosen to labour and birth normally.

My final word would be that the method (be it Vaginal, Ceasarian, Adoption) of having a child is not important, no method is superior to the other. The important thing is the safety of the mother and child.

There is really no point insisting on birthing a child through vaginal delivery contrary to medical advice and ending up with a brain damaged child. It’s not fair on the child.

Please let us make smart decisions and as women, let us understand that we have a right to sign the consent form required for doctors to carry out a C-section. The choice is really ours to make and not any man.

Thank you.

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  1. Hello ma’am,

    It was an honor sharing my story with you.

    Thank you. May we all raise godly children and may these children pay our wages in due season.

    Again, thank you.

  2. Ufuoma Fijabi says:

    You are welcome. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us.

  3. Thanks for sharing…
    I can imagine the pain at the negative comments but thank God you were able to bounce out of it.

    I have come to realize it’s not about the method but if it glorifies God which it obviously does as mother, baby and even daddy are healthy and okay.
    More grace, wisdom and ideas @Ufuoma

    1. Ufuoma Fijabi says:

      Thanks Ufedo for reading. Amen to more grace, wisdom and ideas.

  4. Blessing Agunsoju says:

    Thanks for sharing your story, God bless you

    1. Oluwatosin Ajose Popoola says:

      Amen! Apologies for the late response🙏

    1. Ufuoma Fijabi says:

      Thanks for reading.

    2. Oluwatosin Ajose Popoola says:

      Thank you ma. Apologies for the late response🙏

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