
Woman – Let Your Light Shine

Every woman is a light that can shine for generations to come.

Every woman has the potential for greatness buried deep within her.

Every woman carries seeds that can grow to become a big tree.

Every woman has words in her that can build or destroy the next generation.

Every woman has great strength in her and can do all that she sets out to do.

Every woman has a heart of compassion and can move mountains to save a life.

Every woman is a builder and can shape minds and influence generations.

Every woman has the heart of a warrior and will fight to protect those she loves.

Every woman will love selflessly when she grasps the true definition of love.

Every woman can be a great support system and will stand with you even in your darkest moments.

Every woman has light in her and its brightness can be unending.

You are a woman,

Sent on a mission,

You were made like God,

To show the world what he looks like,

You can think like him,

You can create like him,

You can love like him.

You can do things like him.

You are him.

You are a woman and can write your name in the history books.

Get up from your despair,

Shut out the negative voices,

Leave the past behind,

Rise above your imperfections,

And let your light shine.

You are a woman and the world needs you now.

© 2018, Fijabi Ufuoma.

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