Inspiration, Motherhood

When Mommy Comes And Leaves A Legacy

I remember today 9 years ago, you came, you lived and then you said goodbye. You had given, you had loved and you had spoken blessings. And then you quietly slipped away leaving your family with portraits of your values and memories of your goodness.

About a week later, many gathered to say goodbye. Your husband of 41 years, your children whom you loved dearly, the church where you served wholeheartedly, your friends whom you showed great loyalty. They were all present.

I had followed the events before that day. I had watched as many relived good memories of you. Many came from all walks of life to pay their last respect to a woman and mother who had touched their lives.  Many words spoken, many tributes given and many tears shed.

And that day came, it was time to say goodbye. The family chose flowers and I guessed that you must have loved flowers. I watched as each child dropped his/her flower into the grave as they whispered their last words to you. One of them kissed his flower and dropped it in with a smile.

This mommy came and left a legacy. She had lived and given herself till the end.  She was full of values and very principled. Her Yes was Yes and her No was No. She was not one to mince her words.  She was diligent and graceful. She stood with her husband and worked hard to give her children a great future. Every child mattered and she gave her all to her family.

This mommy came and was a blessing indeed. Her words were few but carried great impact. She believed in raising a man/woman with character. She never compromised when it came to discipline. Character not intelligence was everything for her in a child. She believed that a child with good character could become more and do great things.

Her simplicity was amazing. Her commitment and dedication to her family was a blessing. Her children were her legacy and with a discerning heart, she was willing to put in time to nurture and raise them.

This mommy came and lived. Her life a blessing, her words a lesson. I had watched her from a distance and I am still learning every day from her life. Her life is a story worth telling and her impact is still being felt daily.

She gave value for her time here and many lessons for generations to come. I have seen and felt those values for more than 10 years of my life. I have also seen the effect of a mother’s impact in the life of a son and daughter. I have grown to love a woman I never had the privilege to know. I found inspiration to become a mother whose words will always be remembered and impact never forgotten.

This mommy came and served. She served with wisdom, faith and courage. She stood with each child and fought for their destinies on her knees and with her words. She never gave up on anyone of them. She understood that your children are your greatest legacies, not houses, not cars, not material possessions.

I had watched her from a distance and I wish she had gotten to know me. I am a part of her now and a great beneficiary of her many seeds sown. I walk through each day feeling the impact of her investment in the lives of her children. I married her son and God could not have blessed me more.

Yes, this mommy came and left a legacy. A legacy of faith, a legacy of love, a legacy of walking with God. We wished she stayed a bit longer to enjoy the fruits of her labour. But she knew it was time to say goodbye. She came and gave value for her time spent here. And her values will live on forever.

This mommy was the mother-in-law I never got to laugh and chat with. But I see now that we can learn from stories and memories of those long gone, as we daily strive to become better people. I also see now that our lives today can become the mirror through which generations unborn can pick values and learn life lessons.

Yes, this mommy came and left a legacy. She walks and lives on in the hearts of her children. She is long gone but her impact can never be forgotten. She came, she lived and she left a legacy.

Dear mother,

What stories of you will we get to read?

What value are you giving for your time here?

What values are you passing to the next generation?

What words are you speaking to your children?

What investments are you making in the lives of your children?

What lessons are you teaching?

Are you standing with your family?

Are you willing to fight for the destinies of your children?

What will your legacy be?

We are all mothers of greatness and in every child is that potential for greatness. Embrace your role today and plant seeds in the hearts and lives of generations to come.

In loving memory of my mother-in-law Mrs Bolatito Fijabi who passed away on November 18th, 2008.

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  1. What a beautifully written piece! I hope someone reads something as beautiful as this when I leave this place!

    1. A Reminder to us to always live in such a way that memories of us will always be beautiful. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Liz Giertz says:

    Such beautiful words to honor a woman who clearly left a legacy of faith. Thank you for sharing and in so doing, challenging and encouraging me! Blessings!

    1. I am so glad these words encouraged you. Thanks for reading.

  3. Thanks for sharing these beautiful words. Mothers are so essential, during this life and beyond.

    1. Yes, mothers are so powerful and have so much influence. Thanks for reading.

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