a short prayer for your family

A Short Prayer for Your Family

Moses said, “If your presence doesn’t take the lead here, call this trip off right now. How else will it be known that you’re with me in this, with me and your people? Are you traveling with us or not? How else will we know that we’re special, I and your people, among all other people on this planet Earth?” – Exodus 33:15-16 (The Message)

Lord, I release my family afresh to you today. Holy Spirit, I welcome you into my home and family and ask that you take your place as Lord and King. Heavenly father, come and abide with us and make your presence known in our lives as a family.

Father, I ask that you teach us how to live a life that honors you and show us the path of life. Guide each member of my family with your counsel and lead us into that glorious destiny that you have planned for everyone of us. Open our hearts to receive your love and grow in us a deep hunger to know more of you. Pour out your spirit afresh on us today and open our eyes to see visions and dreams. Fill our mouths with heavenly declarations  and our hearts with faith from your word.

Direct our feet away from the path of wicked and evil men. Hide us from the secret counsel of the wicked and deliver our soul from death. Father, contend with anyone or anything that contends against us. I ask that you cover the head of every member of my family on the day of battle.

This family belongs to God and no weapon fashioned against us shall prosper. I break every generational curse and covenant made in this lineage with other gods. We are released from generational and sinful patterns in our bloodline. We have received a new life in Christ Jesus and we have been set free from the power of sin and death.

I pray for every member of my family that they will love the Lord with all their hearts. They will seek God and embrace the gift of salvation early in life. None amongst us will be sold to sin and lost to the pleasures of this world. When trials and tests come into our lives, our hearts will be strengthened and our faith in God will not waver.

May God’s blessing rest upon my family. May his favor surround us like a shield. May the Lord make his face shine upon us and be gracious unto us. May God bless us out of Zion and cause us to see the good of Jerusalem all the days of our lives. May God lift his countenance upon us and give us peace.

I declare that we are planted by rivers of living water; our leaves will not wither. We will flourish and prosper. God satisfies my family with good things and will supply all our needs according to his riches in glory. None of us will be cut off in the prime of life. We will thrive and prosper. We will shine God’s light in the world and forever bring glory to his name and kingdom. Amen!!


Read also:

A Short Prayer for Mothers

A Short Prayer for Your Son

A Short Prayer for Your Daughter

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  1. Stacey Pardoe says:

    Thanks for this timely post, friend! I’m praying it right now!

    1. Ufuoma Fijabi says:

      You are welcome Stacey!

  2. What a lovely prayer for your family! It is good to ask for God’s help and care in our lives. May your family be happy and always feel His love and safety. Amen

    1. Ufuoma Fijabi says:

      Amen to your prayers 🙏Thanks for reading AND I am glad the prayers blessed you.

  3. What a beautiful prayer! I love how it reminds us that God is always with our families, just like a superhero protecting us! It makes me feel safe knowing that He watches over us and helps us grow together. Thank you for sharing this special prayer that shows how much God loves all families!

    1. Ufuoma Fijabi says:

      Thank you for praying along. And thanks for visiting too.

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