A Prayer for Your Child’s Future Spouse

A Prayer for Your Child’s Future Spouse

Someone once said, the person you marry and your career choices will often times have a great role to play in your life’s journey. Have you ever said a prayer for your child’s future spouse?

Stormie Omartian has shared about how she started praying for her children’s future spouse right from the day they were born. According to her, after accepting Christ, the next most important decision your child will make is choosing the spouse they will marry. A wrong decision in this area can cause them misery for the rest of their lives.

Watch her share the story here.

You can inherit houses and land from your parents, but a good wife only comes as a gracious gift from God! – Proverbs 19:14 TPT

The bible lets us into a powerful truth that a good spouse can only come from God. As a parent, you can bequeath wealth to your child, but the gift of a godly spouse can only be given by God. And it is never too late to start praying for your child’s future spouse. God’s ears are open to your prayer; he wants you to freely pour out your heart before him concerning every detail of your child’s life including who they will marry.

7 Ways You Can Pray for Your Child’s Future Spouse

Every parent has great desires for his/her children. And when it comes to the issue of marriage, it is every parent’s desire that their child marries the right person. No parent wants to see his/her child suffer the consequences of marrying the wrong person. This is why it is so important for you as a parent to commit to praying consistently for that man/woman your child will marry, long before they ever show up in your lives. Here are 7 ways that you can pray for your child’s future spouse.

1. You can pray that your child will find a godly spouse who loves God and lives in reverent fear of him. That this man/woman will love God with all their heart, soul and strength.

2. Pray that your child’s spouse will possess his earthly vessel with honor knowing that his/her body is the temple of the God. This man/woman will keep himself/herself pure until marriage. He/she will not compromise and God will give him/her the grace to resist every temptation that comes his/her way.

3. Also, you can pray that your child’s spouse will have a heart that is always right before God. A heart purged of bitterness, unforgiveness, anger and jealousy where the fruits of the spirit takes dominance. And that his/her life will be a true reflection of godliness not just in words, but in deeds and in action.

4. Pray that your child’s future spouse will live daily aligned to God’s purpose for his/her life. He/she will not stray from God’s ordained path for his/her life.

5. Pray that your child’s spouse will be full of God’s wisdom and will always make wise choices and decisions guided by the word of God.

6. Pray God’s protection over your child’s life partner that God will cover them and preserve them from evil. He will constantly watch over them and protect them from danger.

7. Pray that their bodies will be healthy and not burdened by sicknesses or diseases. Speak healing and restoration over their bodies peradventure they are battling a health challenge.

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A Prayer for Your Child’s Future Spouse

Lord, I thank you for this man/woman that you have prepared ahead of time from the foundations of the world for my child. Your word says that a good wife/husband can only come from the Lord. So, I ask today that you bring a good and godly spouse into my child’s life. May their paths cross when the time is right. May their spirits be awakened when they stand before each other. Help them to depend, lean on and trust in you until the day they walk into each other’s life. Lord, I ask that you be with them, watch over them through every season and phase of their life before they find each other.

I pray for the parents of my child’s future spouse. Give them wisdom to raise him/her right. Give them the tools, resources and relationships needed to nurture and raise this child in a way that pleases you. Fill their hearts with the right prayer to say over their child and walk them through every difficult season. Help them to guide their child along the path that you have chosen and prepared for them.

Dear father, I ask that you prepare the heart of my child’s future spouse for the journey and future ahead with my child. Give him/her a heart that longs to know you more. May my child’s future spouse live daily conscious of your presence and love for him/her. This man/woman will know Jesus and receive him into his/her life early. I declare that the hold of sin is broken over your life and you walk and live freely in your identity as a child of God. Jesus is alive in your heart and you will live to please him all the days of your life.

I ask Lord that you will prepare my child as well for his/her life partner. You will heal the broken places of my child’s life and build him/her into that person you have ordained him/her to become. Fill my child’s heart with an undying love for you and a heart that seeks to serve and grow in the knowledge of you.

Father, I ask that my child’s life partner will be a man/woman that honors you and seeks to know more of you. I pray that alongside my child, he/she will choose purity of heart, soul and body. I pray also that they would always see themselves as God’s temple and resist the temptation to defile their bodies. They will not be lured into pornography, homosexuality, transgenderism and a perverse lifestyle. Help them to flee from all forms of sexual immorality.

I pray that my child’s future spouse be a man/woman filled with godly wisdom. May his/her decisions and choices as he walks through life be guided by the spirit and word of God. May his/her values and character reflect the nature and character of God. This man/woman will be a person daily led by the spirit of God and guided by godly counsel.

I ask that my daughter’s future husband will be a true servant leader who will point his family towards God. He will be a man who is not lazy but hard- working. He will be a man that can be trusted to always protect and provide for his family. Bless my daughter with a spouse who will walk in integrity all the days of his life; never compromising his values on the altar of self-gratification or immediate gain.

I pray that my child will have a supportive spouse. A spouse who will be their greatest cheerleader, who will validate their strengths and help them grow in their weaknesses. Bless my child with a spouse who is a true encourager that will sit with them when they feel helpless, lie with them when they are weak and lift them up when they fall. Give them a man/woman that will stand with them through the good and tough times. Together, they will walk through the deepest valleys and climb the highest mountains. They will never give up on each other.

I pray that my child’s marriage will be fruitful. They will be loving, kind and helpful to each other. Their love for each other will not grow cold. They will forever find warmth, peace and deep satisfaction in each other’s embrace. Their union will have its foundation in God leaning always on you to be their guide and anchor. May their marriage be a light to many shining forth you grace and glory. Amen!

Read also:

A Prayer for you Child’s Future

A Prayer of Purity for your Child


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  1. Arrica Hess says:

    Wonderful post. Thanks for sharing. I will start using your prayer points to pray for my 4 kiddos future spouses.

    1. Ufuoma Fijabi says:

      Thanks Arrica. Our seeds planted in prayer will surely grow.

  2. I love this topic! I actually often pray for my children’s future spouses, and this post amped up those prayers! Thank you, friend!

    1. Ufuoma Fijabi says:

      Good to know Stacey. May we not grow weary in our prayers. Thank you so much for reading

  3. I’ve been praying for my grandbabie’s future spouses, for them to be kind and godly spouses. Thank you for this incredibly sweet and powerful post … 🙏💕

    1. Ufuoma Fijabi says:

      Wow!I hope to do that someday too. Thanks so much for reading.

  4. Motunrayo says:

    A wonderful prayer template, this will surely help me pray further for my kids. Thanks for sharing this.

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