
A Short Prayer for Your Son

Then our sons in their youth will be like well-nurtured plants, and our daughters will be like pillars carved to adorn a palace.Psalm 144:12 NIV

Make our sons in their prime like sturdy oak trees, Our daughters as shapely and bright as fields of wildflowers. Psalm 14:12 The Message

A Short Prayer for Your Son

Lord, I release my son ________ to you afresh today. I bring him into your presence again in prayer and ask that you envelope him in your love, grace and mercy. Help my son grow to know you not just as a father but as a friend. May his love for you never grow cold and his knowledge of you not diminish.

Precious father, I ask that you give my son true wisdom that can only come from you. May this wisdom elevate his thinking and guide him through every season of his life. I pray that he will be like a plant that quickly grows to maturity at a young age. He will not be like a tree growing in the wild, choked up by weeds and unable to produce its best growth.

7 Prayers for your Son

I pray that my son will be deeply rooted in God’s word. His roots will be strong and deep, made stronger through every passing season of life. He will stand tall in the world shining forth God’s light and wisdom from an early age.

May my son be firmly rooted in the truth of God’s word. I declare that he will be like a well-nurtured plant. His leaves will not wither. His glory will not fade away. His youth will not be misused and abused. His future will not be choked away by thorns and weeds that show up in the form of foolish choices and bad habits.

Heavenly father, give my son open ears that listen to wisdom and godly counsel. Give him a clean heart and put a right spirit within him even from a young age. I pray that he will be a young man that grows up with godly character, courage and wisdom evident for all to see. He will flourish and yield fruits in each season of his life; spreading forth his branches and giving shade to others. May my son be like a sturdy oak tree, firm and prospering in his youth and  in the prime of his life. Amen!

A Short Prayer for Your Son

Read also:

A Prayer for your child’s mind.

A prayer for your child’s salvation.

A prayer for your child’s emotions


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  1. This blessed me today, and I prayed it over both of my boys!

    1. Ufuoma Fijabi says:

      I am.glad it did. Thanks Stacey for stopping by.

      1. Ufuoma Fijabi says:

        Amen! Thanks for praying along. Blessings

  2. […] A Short Prayer for Your Son […]

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