Jesus miracles

Even Now: A 7 Day Devotional Through the Life Changing Miracles of Jesus

 An Introduction

Even Now: A 7 Day Devotional Through the Life Changing Miracles of Jesus

“Even now, I know that whatever you ask from God, he will give you.” – John 11:22

Has your faith ever been stretched to its limit and you are left feeling like you can’t go on anymore? Perhaps you are faced with a situation that seems too far gone—too broken, too delayed, too late and impossible? Maybe you’ve prayed for healing, the salvation of a loved one, restoration, or a financial breakthrough, only to feel like you are up against a wall. God is silent. But what if I told you that miracles happen and that a divine encounter with Jesus can change everything.

In the story of Lazarus, Martha spoke before Jesus saying –  She believed that Jesus could have saved her brother before he died, and now it seemed too late. Yet, in her moment of doubt and wavering faith, she spoke two powerful words—”Even now”.

But even now, I know that God will give you whatever you ask. “ – John 11:22 NLT

With these words, Martha points us to the power of hope in Jesus Christ, God’s unbroken love for us and the possibility of miracle encounters. She knew that Jesus was the son of God and that whatever he asked the father, he would do it for him. So, her case was not hopeless. When Jesus steps into the scene, miracles happen, chains are broken and lives are transformed.

Even now, the most hopeless of situations in your life can be turned around when you encounter the person of Jesus. He said to Martha “ Your brother will rise again.” – John 11:23 Jesus responded to one woman’s broken heart, loss and grief with a miracle that changed everything.

This devotional is an invitation to walk through some of the most life-changing miracles of Jesus and see how his power, love, and faithfulness remain the same today. Whether you need healing, provision, peace, or a fresh encounter with Jesus. Let this journey remind you that some things always seem impossible until it is done by God. It is never too late for your own miracle.

Are you ready to believe even now? Let’s begin.

This 7-day devotional is designed to help you encounter the person of Jesus through some of his most profound miracles — not just as regular bible stories, but as proof of what He can do in your life today. For each day in the devotional, we’ll explore one of the many miracles of Jesus, unpack its meaning, and invite God to work in our lives even now.

What you get in the devotional:

  • A Focus Scripture
  • Daily Reflection 
  • Prayer 
  • Faith Challenge 

Join me over the next few weeks on the blog as we look at the miracles of Jesus and what they mean for us today. The bible declares Jesus as the same yesterday, today and forever. And an encounter with the person of Jesus will never leave you the same. God can transform your life and rewrite your story in an instant. And he wants to move you from broken to whole, pain to purpose, sickness to health even now. Are you set to experience the miracle working power of God in your life?

Read our Advent Devotionals:

Light in the Darkness

A Savior is Born

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  1. Stacey L Pardoe says:

    Thank you for this, Ufuoma! You are a blessing!

  2. I never noticed before how Martha said ‘Even now’… that is powerful! I want this kind of faith!! Thank you so much for this beautiful post, dear friend. Sending lots of hugs and prayers your way … 🙏🥰🩷

  3. […] Even Now: A 7 Day Devotional Through the Life Changing Miracles of Jesus […]

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