Devotionals, Growing your faith

Day Two: When Your Ears Are Shut to God’s Voice (Mark 7:31–37)

Focus Scripture: “After he took him aside, away from the crowd, Jesus put his fingers into the man’s ears. Then he spit and touched the man’s tongue. He looked up to heaven and with a deep sigh said to him, “Ephphatha!” which means “Be opened!”. – Mark 7:33-34

Day Two: When Your Ears Are Shut to God’s Voice (Mark 7:31–37)

Have you ever felt spiritually deaf – unable to hear God’s voice clearly? Are there times when you struggle to understand God’s will or simply feel lost, distant and far away from his presence? You are not alone. Jesus is still opening ears, hearts and lives today.

In Mark 7:31-37, Jesus healed a man who was deaf and had difficulty speaking. He took him aside, away from the crowd, touched his ears, spoke the word “Ephphatha” – (be opened) and instantly the man’s ears were opened and speech restored.

Imagine a little child whose world is silent to the sounds and chatter of nature and his environment. Imagine he has many words to speak, yet with each effort, no words can be heard but mumbles. Imagine what life would have looked like in the growing years of this deaf and dumb man that was brought before Jesus.

When your ears are shut to God’s truth and voice, knowledge is limited, potential will remain untapped and purpose unknown. Your ears and mouth will always be powerful assets in your walk and experience with God. What you hear matters and what you say or are saying matters as well. Remember that this man could hear nothing and spoke no word. Satan knows well that your words when aligned with the truth of God’s word you hear is powerful enough to set you free. He would rather have you walking through life spiritually deaf and dumb and never declaring the truth from God’s word.

Jesus took this man aside, put his fingers into his ears, then he spat and touched the man’s tongue, looked up to the heavens and said – “Ephphatha” (Be Opened and Released). This probably is one of the most graphic unconventional miracles of Jesus. A reminder that sometimes the path and process to your miracle will not look like what you are used to. And that you must learn to trust in the one who is in control of the process and pathway that will lead to your miracle.

How come Jesus did not just speak the word to this man and declare him healed? Why did he need to make contact with him? Jesus had to touch him because even if he spoke a word, he would not hear him. He engaged another sense organ (touch) to reach those parts of him that had a problem (ears and tongue). And he declared to him – Be opened and released. It was both a physical and spiritual healing. Jesus wants to touch your ears and open them to hear his truth, voice and guidance today.

Are you experiencing spiritual deafness in your life right now? Are your ears closed to the gospel and truth of God’s word? Are you walking through life tongue tied and unable to declare God’s truth over your life and situation? What is blocking you from hearing God? Is it sin, doubt or the noise of the world? Do you feel alone and far away from his presence?

Jesus’ word “Ephphatha” (Be Opened) was not just for the deaf man – it is for you too. Jesus wants to open your ears to his voice, your heart to his love and your life to his power. And no matter what has been closed in your life, Jesus is still healing, liberating and restoring lives. Will you let him open your ears and heart today?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, touch my ears and mouth today. Heal me of every form of spiritual deafness that your truth may permeate the deepest parts of my heart. Release my tongue to speak your word with boldness at all times. Help me to sieve the things I hear and choose the words I speak. Lord, open my ears and heart today to hear your voice clearly. Amen!

Faith Challenge: Spend 10 minutes in silence today asking God to open your heart to hear his voice.

Read also:

Day One: When You Have Nothing Left – Jesus Feeds 5,000 (Mark 6:30–44)

Image by Karen .t from Pixabay

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1 Comment

  1. Stacey L Pardoe says:

    This is filling me with courage in the Lord today! Thanks, friend!

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