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She looked me in the eye and said to me,
” Never wait for tomorrow to start praying for your children. It may be too late. Get down on your knees now and cry, get down on your knees now and fight, get down on your knees and speak those things you want to see in their lives. The fight is on your knees. The battle starts and ends on your knees”
Her son had turned a destructive path and her words lacked meaning to him. Nothing she said yielded results. He often told her to ‘let him be’ and that he had his own life to live.
The sun fades quietly into the night, men and women cuddled up in their beds, exhausted from a long and tiring day. The stillness of the night creeps in, night time creatures crawl out from their hiding places ready to hunt down their prey for the day.
And just like the buzzing sound from an alarm clock, she hears the call within her. She rises up. It is time for battle. It is time to go to war. She must fight for her son. She must fight for her seed. She must fight for her legacy.
A new year is upon us, the feasting and celebrations are over and the motherhood journey continues.
Your children daily surround your table and you have another year, perhaps a lifetime to make deep impressions and lasting impact in their hearts and lives.
The world is also playing its part by putting the wrong images, mindsets and conversations daily before your children. You find it on TV, radio, books, homes, schools and relationships.
What will your role be in all of this?
Will you sit and watch your child tread unknown paths?
Will you ‘let them be’ just because you are worn out from the constant troubles they have brought your way?
Will you sit still and do nothing as the world infiltrates their minds with wrong values and warped beliefs?
Will you go ahead and join the bandwagon just because other families are doing so?
Will you just live like nothing matters and leave your child’s destiny hanging in thin air?
You are a mother and your motherhood comes with a high price – you fight battles, you wage wars, you chart destinies. This is why you mother.
Your battle is not with another mother. Your battle is in the words you speak, the declarations you make and the faith that you carry.
Your weapons are not idle conversations or needless chatter. Your weapon is a faith that moves mountains and a heavenly father holding you firmly in his arms.
Your calling is not in the looks, dresses and fanfare. It is in that space and moment where you find that courage to fight for the destinies of your children on your knees.
This is why you mother. This is why you go on your knees to pray. This is why you speak words daily. You are shaping lives and charting destinies. This is why you mother.
Many Hugs,