
Why You Mother – Milestones, Moments and Memories

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My arms were flung wide open, pure joy was written all over me as he staggered towards me with excitement.

I can still hear the sound of his laughter. He was thrilled at his new discovery. He no longer had to feel the pressure of the hard floor on his knees. He could walk now.

I watched him from a safe distance as he took his first steps. He took a few steps and fell to the ground, he picked himself up and took a few more steps. We were both thrilled. A tide of gratitude washed over me. A new territory to conquer. A new terrain to explore. A new milestone accomplished!

This was about 9 years ago and there have been other milestones and many more to come. I am in awe of God’s love and how he has walked me through each milestone. The first word spoken, the first kick on a ball, the first scribble, the first prayer said, the first lego creation and the first bicycle ride.

Did you know that these milestones are the memories that will light up your soul in the twilight season of your life?

Do you know that every day gives you some moments to teach and impact your children as a mother?

I remember those moments when my son says, ” Mummy are you listening?”, trying to get my full listening ears while telling me something that happened. I am craving for some alone time at that point, but then I remember, this may be a ‘ teachable moment’ and I turn to give him my full attention.

On this motherhood journey, you will have moments of pure joy and laughter. You will have moments of celebration and gratitude. You will also have moments to teach and model values.

You will have moments to listen and learn. You will have moments when you tear up. You will have moments of trust and hope.
You will have moments of prayer and faith.
You will have moments of leading and giving. And this is why you ‘Mother’.

A famous international model wrote these words shortly after her husband of many years passed away. She wrote, ” You never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.”

An amazing woman and mother, Lisa Leshaw whom I met online once wrote a beautiful post about those final months spent with her father. Each day while visiting him at the hospital, “Where are we going today?” was the question that followed after the hugs and kisses.

That question was not about going to a physical location, but about shared moments and memories together as father and daughter.

In her words, ” Each morning we would ‘go’ to a different place together and relive every moment of that time we had with each other. We went somewhere together everyday for 7 months without ever leaving my Dad’s hospital room. ”

So if I may ask you, what memories are you creating every single day in your family and life?

You can choose to celebrate your milestones on this journey.

You can choose to use those moments that come your way.

You can choose to create lasting memories that will live in the hearts of those you love forever.

It is all in how you look at it.

And this is why you mother.

Milestones are accomplished.

Moments are shared.

Memories are made.

Many Hugs,



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