
When Mothers Pray – Keep Knocking That Door for Your Child

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20190206_112819_0001Someone special and dear to my heart once shared this story with me. It is a story from thousands of years ago. A story that teaches one very important virtue, PERSISTENCE.

Here it is.

There was a certain judge in a city. He was mean and hardly cared about people and their feelings. He always did as he pleased and treated people unfairly.

He was in a privileged position, but chose rather to intimidate and devalue his fellow man. He also had no regard for his creator.

But in that same city, there was also a woman who was a widow. Widowhood came calling in an unexpected manner and season of life.

She was struggling to find her feet again, after the loss of her husband. She had a big challenge and ran to this judge to give her justice.

She was helpless and this judge was her only solution. She wanted him to give her justice in a dispute between her and her adversary. But this judge ignored her each time she showed up. Yet, she kept going back with her request.

On one very good day, perhaps spotting this widow from a distance, this judge said to himself, ‘I will give her justice today’.

He said: ‘This woman is driving me crazy with her constant requests. I know that I do not fear God or man, but I will ensure she gets justice today lest she wears me out with her persistence’.

My special friend then goes on to ask me about the lessons I learnt from this story. He also says this:

“Even he( the Judge) rendered a just decision in the end. So don’t you think God will surely give justice to his chosen people who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off?” Luke 18:7

I will like to put it this way. Don’t you think that God will surely answer the mother or woman who cries to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off and turning them away?

Did you know that you will experience seasons in your motherhood journey where you will knock day and night in prayer for answers?

Yes, you will. I knocked for 4 years after having my first child. I felt ignored like the widow in the story. But then, the doors flung open in the 5th year with the birth of my second child.

I knocked in prayer when I noticed a certain behaviour in my toddler. Today I barely remember what it was exactly because God answered quickly.

Sometimes when you knock in prayer, those doors are flung wide open at an instant. While at other times, you will feel ignored like the widow in the story,  because the doors simply refuse to open. But you must keep knocking.

So will you keep knocking in prayer for the lives of your children?

Will you keep knocking in prayer when there is a health challenge in your child’s life?

Will you keep knocking in prayer when it looks like your child has difficulty learning and reading?

Will you keep knocking in prayer when it looks like your child is treading the wrong path?

Will you keep knocking in prayer to cut off your child from bad relationships?

Will you keep knocking in prayer to secure the minds and future of your children?

Will you keep knocking in prayer to see that your children walk in God’s ordained paths for their lives?

And just like the widow in the story got justice and answers. You can get your answers too.

And this is what happens when a woman or mother keeps knocking in prayer.

– Every mountain becomes a plain.
– Every curse is lifted.
– Every bad association comes to an end.
– Every dark cloud disappears.
– Every addiction is broken.
– Every difficulty/challenge is overcome.
– Every negative story is rewritten.

Always remember that ‘When Mothers Pray’

Walls Crumble.

Barriers Disappear.

Justice is Served.

What lessons did you learn from this story?

Many Hugs,


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