
30 Valuable Life Lessons From Mom

” Sometimes the strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws” Barbara Kingsolver

Valuable Lessons From Mom

What Does it Mean to be a Mother?

Being a mother is much more than carrying and birthing a child. Motherhood comes with great responsibility and it is about your ability to love unconditionally and give selflessly while taking on the role of a nurturer and builder in the life of a child born by you or one life gives to you.

Motherhood means strength, courage, tenacity, wisdom, grace, perseverance, faith, resilience, selflessness and love. It is all about that woman who rises up as a tool in God’s hands to build and influence the next generation with her words, values, actions, wealth, creativity and grace.

So, she embraces the role of mother, whether as a step-mom, birth-mom, adopted mom, grand-mom, aunty or caregiver with all of her heart with the end goal of shaping a mind and building a life.

The world will always speak about the unique bond that exists between a mother and her child. And many around the world will proudly share about their mothers and the invaluable lessons she taught them.

What Valuable Lessons Did You Learn from Your Mom?

Did you know that a mother’s words always sticks and will not be forgotten? And that her values and legacy will always be passed on. I learnt a lot of lessons from my mother’s actions and words. Her calmness and strength in the midst of life’s storms. Her ability to be at peace with those around her and her willingness to always give and share out of her little. She said to me a few years ago in a conversation – Life is too short to hold and keep grudges in your heart against someone who offended you. Let it go and be at peace.’

And even as adults and mothers today, there are still many lessons you can learn from your mother’s life. If you look back through your journey together as mother and daughter, you will be amazed at the lessons you can learn from your relationship through the years. There will be good lessons and there may also be unpleasant experiences and lessons. Today, the Holy Spirit can help you walk through those unpleasant experiences and sieve out life lessons for your own journey.

What is the that one valuable lesson your mother taught you?

We are sharing valuable life lessons from mothers today as we celebrate ‘Mother’s Day’ with others around the world.

1. Arrica Hess

The most valuable lesson I learned from my mom is the value of teaching children God’s word. I’m sure she learned from her mother, my grandma, who taught children at her church for over 30 years. My mom also worked in a day care program at her church. She always believed that children are special and can learn from birth to know the Lord.

I believe her heart to pass on the truths from scripture to children made an impact on me and how I desire to raise my children and see other children grow in the Lord. “You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. “Deuteronomy 6:7 ESV

2. Lisa Leshaw

 My mother taught me to respect the world God created.

3. Lieren Jamrozik

One of the most powerful lessons I’ve learned from my mom has been the importance of admitting your mistakes, growth and apologizing to your children when you have wronged them.

I knew my mom wasn’t perfect and made plenty of mistakes, but I also knew that she was trying her best. Knowing that she would apologize for anything she did wrong gave me security as a child to know that I wasn’t responsible for the behavior of my parents. Now that I’m a mom myself, that honesty, vulnerability and humility is something I want my children to see in me too!

4. Adedolapo Wright Ebadan

Mum taught me to be generous. She can give just about anything within her means to help someone in need. She also taught me the principle of hard-work. She loathes laziness.

5. Mercy Christian

I did not grow up with my mom from childhood but I had a good relationship with her. We got to meet and bond again before she passed on. I cherish the memories we made in that short time. She was a friendly mother indeed.

6. Mercy Alfred Chikezie

My Mom taught me so many virtues which l live by daily today. Firstly, she taught me about God. And not just God, but about the essence and sovereignty of God. She taught me prayer, all my life l woke up seeing her pray and the rewards of that action remains with us till this day.

She taught me that there is no age limit to getting an education. She will say to us – acquire education and become a force in your area of specialization. She taught me also the beauty of hard-work. Oh!, how we had to sell everything sellable just to make ends meet! She is amazing ! She is my Amazon.

7. Ufuoma Ofure Iyare

My mom taught me the value of books. She inspired me to always read wide.

8. Arinola BA

My mother taught me to hate debt and borrowing. That’s why I don’t borrow till this day. She taught me contentment and hard-work. She also taught me the principle of self-respect.

9. Ahakwenwon Goddey Jnr

My mum had rich family relatives. And while growing up as little kids, she would take us down to their houses every December. She was so delighted to work in their houses, hoping that they will show her kindness and help after serving them. Help never came.

She told us after those events never to depend on anyone or relatives for anything. And she did all she could, giving all she had to us. My mum died before I graduated from the Higher institution in 2019, and I passed through hell to complete my tertiary education.

I am grateful for all that she did for us. Her love and memories will always linger in my heart forever and will be passed on to my kids.

10. Mabel Anwuna

Mum had to travel to the village to visit her mum(my grandma). I remember walking her to the park and she held my hands and told me to take my job very serious so as to be my own boss one day.

Today I am my own boss, things are not yet how I desire it to be, but my mum’s words have kept me going. She did not return from that journey and that was the last piece of advice that she gave to me.

My mum also taught me to stand on my words and never allow anyone talk down on me. I remember when the landlord of the house we lived then told me that I will end up marrying an agbalagba (old man) as a second wife, because no man wants to marry a second-hand woman.

I had gotten pregnant after secondary school and had my baby at the age of 18. When I told my mum what this woman said, she went to her and told her to her face that only God’s word will work in her children’s life. And that I will marry a man of my choice and have a happy home. It is so today.

My mum also taught me about the power of prayer, (kai mama Ngozi can pray fa). I remember her praying and calling out her children’s name one by one. I do that with my kids now. Mum was also a good cook and I also learnt that from her.

I remember when I had my little girl I cried because my mother-in-law wasn’t treating me like my mum would. I love you mum and I miss you so much.

Valuable Lessons From Mom

11.  Brenda Unu

My mum was a power house of wise sayings. The one that came to me recently is this : ALWAYS LEAVE A PLACE/PERSON BETTER THAN YOU MET IT. I employ this in all my dealings and it has made me a better person.

12Jibike Adebayo

My mum taught me so many things and I still learn from her till date. She taught me not to fight people because I don’t know what they can do to me. She kept telling me then how important it was for me to face my studies in school.

13. Umoren JoDara

Mum taught me sincerity, honesty and contentment. She taught me how to look good only within my budget. For instance I’d finish dressing and she’d say, ‘Ah ah, put more cream on your leg’. Things like that. LOL

14. Blessing Temitope Kolade

My mum taught me the value of integrity and keeping my words. She placed so much value on education. We didn’t have the best of clothes, shoes but our school fees was always paid on time. She shouldered all these responsibilities with little support.

15. Enor Vwaire

My mum is very spiritual. I got that attribute from her and also perseverance. I am a fighter because of her. It is not always over until it is over. Not to forget the strict discipline that made me turn out stern. She lights up any room with her jokes too, another attribute I inherited.

16. Jumoke Shode

Bad company corrupts good manners. Contentment is key in life. These I learnt from my mother. 

17. Onyinye Etoniru-Okoh

My mom taught me to always give my best and be the best, second best was never good enough. She also taught me patience, endurance and compassion by her lifestyle.

18. Ruth Chukwu

My mama was a true description of a virtuous Christian woman who cared for everyone around her old or young. I miss her so much.

19. Comfort Ebedialu

My mom, my loving mom. When she was alive she always advised us, especially the girls to always respect our husbands no matter what, and that we should never use food as a tool of punishment to our children. And that whenever a child complains, we should listen. She also taught us to watch out when a man likes a particular girl child and  that you must never allow that child to enter that man’s house alone. I miss you mom.

20. Chioma Andrew

My mum, she’s a mother with a difference. I also learnt patience from my mom. She taught me how to give challenges of life time to pass. No hurries, you will get there. She taught me contentment. My prayer for her is that she will live to eat the fruit of her labor in good health.

21. Yemisi Komolafe

My Mum, my world, my prayer partner. She taught me to be patient and take life one step at a time. The most important thing she did for me is bringing me into this world. I Love you Mrs Eunice Titilayo Komolafe. Thanks for your patience with us, you will surely live longer, healthier to enjoy your labor in the land of the living.

22. Oluwatosin Arodudu

My mother taught me loads of things. Top on the list is selflessness and being a strong woman.

23. Pamela Iroha

My mum taught me how to buy food items in bulk for the home. Secondly, she taught me that a woman keeps the home together.

24. Ifeoma Obiora-Samuel

Never give up fighting for your marriage and kids. My mom is a rugged and tough Christian. I think she got that from her mom. The legacy of faith and tough love for the people in our lives. I’ve seen her forgive, pray and love the hardest. I’ve seen my mom push through hard situations through faith.

25. Ajayi Grace Adedayo

My mum was not always around due to work, but she taught me to not judge people, love people but give allowance for their excesses and frailty.

She never uttered any negative word even when she was very angry. She used to call us professors in Yoruba whenever she was angry with us. (I got to know the English connotation when I became an adult)

26. Tobo Ogheneovo

My mum taught me never to use food/hunger as a way to get back at people.

27. Maryanne Wilfred

My mother taught me that a mother should always ensure that Her children are well fed.
She also taught me that paying for the children’s education should not be left for the father alone.
These and many more.

28. Roli Ogheneovo

Mummy taught me to live sacrificially for her children by being an amazing example.

29. Joy Andrew-Ibe

My mother taught me to always buy things for the home in bulk. It is cheaper and saves you from embarrassment.

30. Rachel Kotian

1. Don’t waste food cause there are so many poor people who do not have anything to eat.

2. Always confess and declare God’s word in the situation you are facing and see God move and make a way.

3. Mom is always positive and prayerful and this makes me admire her!

Thank you to everyone who shared lessons learnt from your mom. We are so blessed to read these timeless and valuable lessons from your mothers.

Do you have valuable life lessons you learnt from your mom and would like to share with us? We would love to read them in the comments below.

Happy Mother’s Day to all our MOMs in the UK, Nigeria and other parts of the world.

Valuable Lessons From Mom

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  1. I love this post and how you included so many great quotes :). Blessings to all the mothers!!

    1. Ufuoma Fijabi says:

      Thank you Ma’am.

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