
The True Value Of Life Is Not In Its Duration But In Its Donation

How much value is your life adding to humanity? How much of your humanity is felt by those closest to you? Will the world feel an angel depart when your light fades away? Think about it!

The true value of life is not in how long you live, but how much impact you make. It will also be about the memories you live behind. Good or bad.
I leave you with the words of Dr Myles Monroe…

“The value of life is not in its duration, but in its donation. You are not important because of how long you live, you are important because of how effective you live. And most people are concerned about growing old rather than being effective.

The people who have impacted the world didn’t live long, Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy. These people who made great impact in the world were not old people, but they lived so effectively that we cannot erase them from history. ”

So live your life effectively and leave footprints in the hearts and lives of others.

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