
Prayer Seeds: Battle Plans and a Superior Force in Battle

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A former US Marine once gave the following tips for drafting a battle plan.

He said, “Learn as much as you can about your opponent, his fighting style, whether he uses armor aircraft or soldiers alone.

Determine where and when he is most likely to strike and using that information, place your assets in, near and around that target area. When he strikes, you will be ready, but be prepared for surprises.”

But then in the midst of all of these plans, how well prepared can you be in the day of battle. Surprises are always the greatest threat to any battle.

So you can imagine how I felt when I stumbled on this powerful ‘seed word’ in my bible.

O God the Lord, the strength of my salvation, thou hast covered my head in the day of battle. Psalms 140:7 KJV

O Lord, you are my God and my saving strength! My Hero-God, you wrap yourself around me to protect me. For I’m surrounded by your presence in my day of battle.
Psalms 140:7 TPT

Did you know that there is a battle for lives, souls and destinies of your children?

There is an ongoing battle for their minds and hearts.

There is an ongoing battle for their emotions and sexuality.

There is an ongoing battle for their destinies and future.

You can see it in the high rate of ill-behaviour, sexual abuse, divorce, terrorism and perversion in the world today. It is a sorry case of ‘finish them before they even start’ with children being the first causalities.

But here is what God’s word says: I have covered your child’s head in the day of battle. Amazing!

So will you take a moment today to pray or speak this word over the life of your child/children.

You will say that whenever there is a battle for the souls and destinies of my child/children, I thank you Lord because you have covered (fill in their names) head in the day of battle.

I thank you father because whenever there is a battle for their lives and all that you have called them to be, you have covered (name of child) head in the day of that battle.

You have surrounded (name of child) with your presence in the day of battle.

Will you plant this word seed in the lives of your child/children today?

Remember that there is power in that seed called God’s word.

Fijabi Ufuoma.

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