Blog Interviews

My C-section Story- Kate Emmanuel

Hello everyone,

My name is Kate Emmanuel and I am a proud mother of two C-section babies. I bake yummy cakes and cook home-made soup for sale.

I teach children and women how to make daily household needs like body cream, perfumes and lovely hair fascinators using crinoline. I am also a children Sunday school teacher.

I am the 6th child of my parents who had 10 children (9 girls and 1 boy). I had my first child through a C-section after two years of waiting after marriage. This is one thing we never envisaged as a couple.

My mum had 10 vaginal births and none of my older siblings had ever done a C-section before. I became the first in my family to be cut open to deliver a child. I set a new record in the family.

My mum did not want to hear anything about having a Ceaserean section at all. In her words, ” Haaa, me that had 10 children without any blade. It is not in my family ooo. Do not allow them to cut you ooo.”

I obviously did not listen to her advice because it was not what I needed to hear at that time. This also shows you how advice from family and friends can sometimes lead you to make bad decisions. Many women have lost their lives after they rejected a C-section because of what their family told them.

Imagine if I stood my ground that nobody has had a C-section in my family and I will not be the first. The story may have been different today. Thank God for wisdom. 

My first C-section was as a result of prolonged and incosistent labour. I moved from 4cm to 6cm and back to 2cm and then 4cm again and labour was taking too long. A C-section was eventually carried out.

My second pregnancy happened 5-years after having my first child. As expected the pregnancy was stress-free. I ate anything I wanted. I was at work till Friday that week and had my baby on a Monday.

My husband and I were believing God for a vaginal birth. I started having contractions on Sunday afternoon and was admitted at the hospital.

Prior to this, because of my medical history, the doctor had already informed my husband that it was going to be a 50-50 chance. I may have a vaginal birth or a C-section depending on how things play out.

The doctor also said that I will be allowed to labour for a while and that if my labour refused to progress, they will have to cut me open to bring out my bundle of joy.

‘Haaa’, this was my first reaction. I prayed ooo. I came against it. No, C-section for me this time. I cancelled. I binded and I casted it out.

But then, my husband encouraged me to agree to the C-section when my labour refused to progress and the pain became too much.

He said that God who helped with vaginal birth is still the one in charge of the C-section. I was in severe pains and cried out when the pain became unbearable.

The C-section was eventually done and I came out alive with a beautiful baby. My first C-section was not properly tidied up in terms of finishing, so I still had some nodes that didn’t heal properly.

  • And so the second C-section took more time to finish up, before I was finally brought out to the waiting arms of my darling husband.

I was discharged after spending some days in the hospital. These experiences made me appreciate the awesomeness of God.

My final thoughts on C-SECTIONS is that more advocacy and awareness should be done, so that more couples will know what to do and make informed decisions during the delivery of their babies.

A lot of couples reject having a C-section because they do not know that is also a very safe way to have a baby. God is in the C-section delivery process just like he is in the vaginal birth process.

Thank you.

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  1. …God is in the C-section delivery process just as He’s in the vaginal birth delivery process đź‘Ś no ‘truer’ word! Thanks for sharing

    1. Ufuoma Fijabi says:

      Yes indeed. Thank God for God and his word.

  2. Bethel omeife says:

    This is a beautiful true to life event as told by my Sister Kate
    By virtue of my job,I find myself talking to women about alternate birth process.
    The earlier women consents,the better chances for them and the child.

    Women needs to be encouraged especially after birth because C/S birth won’t give you all the time initially to be strong,but if they hang in there,follow health guides,the strength comes in no time.

    Above all,the joy of holding the baby wipes away all tears.

    1. Ufuoma Fijabi says:

      Thank you for doing what you do. I appreciate you.

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