Inspiration, Poetry

Motherhood – A Love Experience

I love to savor the smiling faces of my kids. I love the sound of my daughter’s laughter. I love it when she laughs out loud at my tickles. I love it when she sings for me. I love it when she scribbles her A,B,C’s. I also love the sparkle in her eyes and heart.

I love to read with my son. I love when he asks me questions. I love it when he creates lovely pieces with his lego bricks. I love it when we race each other. I love it when he draws and tries to explain his masterpiece to me. I love it when he laughs out loud at his daddy’s stories. I also love the sunshine he brings into our lives.

I love it when we do horse rides on my back. I love it when their daddy carries them high up on his shoulders. I love it when we share little meals together. I love it when we hold hands to pray.

I love that I am a mother. I love God even more for making me one. I love that place I call home. I love that my children surround my table. I love that family is where life begins. I love that our love will never end.

I love the moments we share. I love the memories we are making. I love the hope that we share. I love that our faith remains unbroken. I love that we believe in our dreams. I also love that we are shaping hearts and building legacies.

I love this role given me by God. I love that he found me worthy. I love this journey that I am on. I love that God is always with me. I love that words and prayers are my anchor. I love the woman I have become. I love that I can grow and become better. I love that this love has changed me forever.

How has motherhood changed you?

What do you love about your motherhood journey?

What memories are you making with your children?

” Motherhood gives you love experiences that will never fade away.” –Unknown

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