Moms in the bible Elizabeth

Moms in the Bible -Elizabeth

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Elizabeth is first introduced to us in the Bible, alongside her husband, as people who were righteous and blameless in God’s eyes. But, there are also other words used to describe this mom in the bible.

Imagine writing about a certain female character and the very first introduction we get of her is that she was an old woman, who was past child bearing age. Elizabeth was barren and was unable to conceive. Talk about labels and how unfair others can be with their words, especially when you have no power over your present life and circumstances.

This was Elizabeth’s story. She was in a season of life where society expected her to be a mother raising children. But, life had thrown her a different ball and she chose to remain steadfast in her trust in God.

One thing that has always intrigued me about Elizabeth is how she went into seclusion when her miracle of conception happened. It must have taken a higher level of wisdom for her to know that she had to protect her seed. Go HERE to read full article.

Read also: 5 Reflective Questions to Help You Refocus as a Mother

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  1. Great insights! I never considered this aspect of Elizabeth – how she might have been an outcast in her society. God used her problems to strengthen her and give her wisdom! Thanks for sharing!

  2. As I read your study I was struck by how beautiful it is that God planned a mentor for Mary who perfectly suited her needs. He is so good!

  3. What a beautiful post about the story of Elizabeth! I really enjoyed this newfound perspective on this Godly woman!

  4. Thank you, Ufuoma, for this beautiful, uplifting, and inspiring reflection on Elizabeth’s life as a godly woman.

  5. It was wonderful to read all about Elizabeth and how God orchestrated her life. I love the part about woman mentoring other woman. So important. Thank you.

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