
Dear Mother – There is a Hunt For The Destiny of Every Child Born Today

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Did you know that Jesus was hunted down to be killed as a baby? Yes, he was. And just like him, there is a hunt for the destiny of every child born into the world today.

Children come into the world with great potential and destinies. But while we rejoice at their arrival, it is also good to remember that the enemy is on a mission to destroy the destiny of every child born.

“Herod is on the hunt for this child and wants to kill him.” Matt 2:13 Msg

King Herod was determined to kill Jesus as a child. You can see in the previous verses of that scripture how he reacted to the news of the birth of this new child. It was believed that this child will become the King of the Jews according to prophecy. Herod felt threatened by this new development and became very restless. He had no other choice but to go after the life of the new born child and kill him. Isn’t this what the devil’s mission is today? To kill, steal and to destroy.

The devil sees every child born as a potential threat to his kingdom. And he will do anything to destroy the destiny of each child. In other words – he  will go for the hunt. His mission is to grab that child’s life at the jugular and snuff life out of his destiny.

Imagine if Jesus was killed as a child.

However, there will always be two sides to a story. While King Herod sought Jesus to kill him, God gave the parents of Jesus specific instructions on how to go about securing the destiny of their child. It is so amazing to know that God is very keen about protecting the life of each child or children that he gives to you. But the question then this, as a parent or mother – are you in tune with God to know what he is saying about each phase and season of your child’s life? Can you hear when God is trying to speak to you about your child?

The bible says that an angel showed up in a dream and told Joseph, the father of Jesus this. “After the scholars were gone, God’s angel showed up again in Joseph’s dream and commanded, “Get up. Take the child and his mother and flee to Egypt. Stay until further notice. Herod is on the hunt for this child, and wants to kill him.” Matthew 2:13 MSG

In that singular verse of scripture, we can see how clear the instructions are and the urgency in God’s word to Joseph. God always speaks for different reasons and purposes. When he speaks a word to you concerning your child, he also waits to see if you will take action.

And if truly, there is a hunt for the destiny of every child born into the world; how prepared are you as a mother and parent? What will you do to protect your child from the attacks and strategies of the enemy? God is more than willing to give you specific instructions. God can hand you a clear guide to help you guard the destiny of your child.

Let us take a closer look at some of the words used by God’s angel as he gave Joseph instructions from the Lord.

1. GET UP – Arise, wake-up, stand up.

You cannot afford to be in a state of lethargy or stay tranquilized as a custodian of children. Every mother needs to be fully awake to know what God wants to do with every child you have been entrusted with.

Have you been sleepy, unaware and tranquilized in your motherhood and parenting journey? It is time to get up and partner with God to raise your child and protect his God given destiny.

2. TAKE THE CHILD – Hold that child. Be with that child. Be responsible about your role as a mother and parent.

When you take something, you hold it with you and are responsible over the life of your child. More so, you just cannot leave your child to himself. You need to take your child and bring him close. Get involved in the life of your child every single day. Resist the temptation to abandon your child to himself and his desires. This child was given to you to nurture, influence and lead.

God is saying to you today – Take that child and hold him close.

3. FLEE – Run away quickly. Move out now.

I remember the movie Escape from Sobibor and how the Jewish prisoners fled on the day of escape. They ran quickly to their freedom wading through dangerous land mines buried underneath the fields. Their minds were shut to the fact that they could be blown away by those landmines.

They moved as fast as they could just to flee the death that awaited them if they remained in the concentration camp. Some died along the way as they ran, while others successfully fled to their freedom. Did you know that there will be seasons in your motherhood journey when God will speak specifically about a child of yours?

The word may be loud and clear at times – MOVE OUT NOW WITH YOUR FAMILY FROM THIS ENVIRONMENT OR TAKE YOUR CHILD OUT OF THAT SCHOOL NOW. Sometimes it maybe that he wants you to flee and protect your child from certain conversations and associations. He may also want to move your child away from certain events, daily habits and lifestyle. For instance, he may want you to move your child away from certain TV programs and games. Will you catch such instructions when they come?

4. STAY THERE – Remain in that place, do this, be still and listen for further instructions.

God told Joseph exactly what to do concerning the life of his child. He gave him specific instructions on how to protect the destiny and future of his child. Sometimes God will say to you as a mother, stay on this word for this child in this season of his life. And at other times, he may say to you, stay here daily in prayer for your child in this season of his life. Or be alert and sensitive to what is going on in your child’s life on a daily basis. Simply put, let my words guide you and my instructions show you what to do about this child. But the question is this – are you in tune with God in your life as a mother to hear him clearly when he speaks?

When God shows up with ideas, strategies and instructions to guide you as you raise your child – will you recognize his voice enough to obey those instructions?

Every child is a potential king and queen in God’s eyes. God sends children into the world as answers and solutions to problems plaguing the world. And many times, you never know how a child’s destiny will bring about great change in a family, environment and a nation.

This is the very reason Satan tries to hunt down children to destroy their future at a very young age. Jesus himself was hunted down to be killed as a child by King Herod. But the good part is that he had a parent who was awake and alert to God’s instruction concerning his God given destiny.

Hence, the singular act of a parent named Joseph arising and following God’s instructions protected the child Jesus from being killed at a young age. It is good to note that many other children were killed during this hunt by King Herod.

Now you can imagine the destinies of children that never got to see the light of day. And just as King Herod hunted down Jesus as a child to kill him, know that there is an aggressive hunt by the enemy to destroy the destiny of every child born into the world.

The ball is in your court now as a mother and as a parent.

It is time to arise from your sleepy and tranquilized state. Get up and listen for God’s instructions, so that you can protect and guard the future and destiny of your child.

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