
Dear Mother – Are You Still Wandering?

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Wander :To walk or move in a leisurely or aimless way.

To move slowly away from a fixed point or place.

It is so easy for you as a mother today to slip into a state of comfort and ease as you raise your children.

You may most times assume that all is well with your children. And that there is really nothing much for you to do, in terms for teaching, modeling and being intentional as a mother. Why?

You believe God will always take care of your children irrespective of what you do or don’t.

But did you know that assumption can be a very dangerous thing on this motherhood journey.

I for one was in that state some time ago. I can say that I was walking this motherhood path in a leisurely way. I was wandering and far from a place of focus, purpose and intentionality in my motherhood walk.

But my wandering came to an end after feeding on the right information, joining relevant communities and committing to do those things I was learning. And guess what, I will never be found wandering or walking aimlessly again as I walk this motherhood path.

” Parenting is the easiest thing in the world to have an opinion about but the hardest thing in the world to do” Matt Walsh

Every mother has an opinion about how to be a great mother. But only some have been able to do and act on their beliefs, ideas and convictions as they raise their children.

Your journey in motherhood is about raising humans who will influence the world and humanity positively or negatively.

You must not be found wandering on this journey.

You must not be found walking aimlessly without a plan and vision for the kind of children you want to raise.

You must not be found navigating through life and motherhood in a leisurely and passive manner.

You must not be found moving away from your primary place of calling to nurture, build and raise the next generation.

Motherhood is about focus, intentionality and determination.

You can mother your children from a place of understanding and insight.

You can give your all in modeling and teaching your children the right values.

You can make a choice to learn, grow and know so that you can become a better mother.

You can let your ‘Why’ guide your actions, choices and decisions as you raise your children.

You can stand firm with courage in a place of purpose and refuse to wander.

You can look up to God who gave you these children as a gift of trust and let him lead you on this path of influencing generations.

Will you?

And if I may ask again – Are you still wandering on this motherhood path?

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  1. Roli Ogheneovo says:

    Very inspiring. Thank you

    1. Ufuoma Fijabi says:

      You are welcome. And I am glad you got value.

  2. Such faith inspiration! My kids are heading to college, and I find looking to Jesus the most important thing I can do now.

    1. Ufuoma Fijabi says:

      Thank you Suzanne. Yes, looking to Jesus and he will keep them safe and in him.

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