
Dear Mother

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Dear Mother,

Why is FAMILY so important?

Family is a place where life begins and love never ends.

Family is a place where lives are nurtured and destinies revealed.

Family is a place where values are ingrained and character is formed.

Family is a place where courage is born and faith can be seen.

Family is a place where morals are learnt and respect is cultivated.

Family is a place where strengths are revealed and talents can be discovered.

Family is a place where love is revealed and memories are created.

Family is a place where generations thrive and  legacies are built.

Family is a place where we learn, we grow and are changed forever.

Family is everything!

We laugh, we cry, we play, we love and we live.

And every FAMILY has a story to tell.

What will your FAMILY STORY be?

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  1. lauraharriswrites says:

    I’ve also been thinking about the idea of my family legacy. At a recent conference for businesswomen, they challenged us to look past the dollar signs and business goals and to, instead, pursue a legacy. What you wrote is a beautiful legacy to leave for one’s children and one I’d love to cultivate.

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