About Me

Nigerian Christian Blogger

Hey there!  

Welcome to Oneinspiredmum.

And I am so glad that you are here. I started this blog in September 2017 with a goal to help and support moms in their faith journey. And also to provide inspiration and godly encouragement they would need.

My name is Ufuoma Fijabi and I am wife, mom, daughter, sister, friend and most importantly, a child of God. I have been a working mom and a stay-at-home mom in different seasons of my life. Both experiences gave and still gives me lessons, strength, and courage to keep walking this beautiful path of motherhood. I currently live in Nigeria with my family, but who knows where the tides will lead someday. 

If you asked me to describe myself, I would say this. I am a Christian blogger, passionate writer, author and encourager who has a deep love for God, an unwavering trust in his word and a desire to inspire and support others in their faith journey. My prayer is that the words God put in my heart to share will always  uplift and encourage mothers and women around the world in their walk with God. 

This blog will inspire, support, and encourage you to press deeper in your faith in God and open up your heart to embrace the truth and power in God’s word. You will find real-life motherhood stories, poetry,  God-inspired articles that focus on motherhood, faith, hope, spirituality and also give you the needed biblical encouragement in your difficult seasons. You will also get access to devotionals, bible-studies, journals, books and prayer resources to support you in your journey as a mom.

I have a Free E-book for you ‘When Mothers Pray’ to show you the importance and power of prayer in a mother’s life using four stories from the bible. You can get a copy here. Also, you can get started with this article: 5 Questions to Help you Refocus as a Mother.

I always get inspired and encouraged by the lives, words and stories of other moms and women around the world. And I praying that you will find spirit-filled words, inspiration and godly encouragement on this space as you grow your faith in God.

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