
3 Important Things Every Mother Should Have In Her Hands and Heart.

To mother a child is a gift and privilege given by God. However, there are some important things every mother should have in her heart and hand as she walks this motherhood path.

After giving birth to my first child in 2010, time suddenly became a scarce commodity and the world  stopped revolving around my husband and I. Someone else had taken the spotlight. We had a son and we were no longer two but three.

This new baby would keep me awake at odd hours, get me worried over every new thing discovered about him. And many times I was left looking like I had not slept in ages. I was happy that I was a mother but I also struggled with my new role and identity as a first-time mom.

My Journey as a First-Time Mom

In my journey as a first time mom, I had moments of pure joy and gratitude, but then I also had moments of doubts and uncertainty. No manuals were given me, I had just my faith and trust in God who found me worthy and entrusted the life of my son into my hands.

But as I began to embrace my new role, I realized that no mother is perfect. And that we all can learn, grow and be changed on this motherhood journey. I have a 12-year old son and 7-year old daughter. In my few years as a mom, I have learnt that time is a valuable asset, my words and life should reflect my values and that my prayers and affirmations really matter.


“The simple, daily influences of prayer, persuasion, and promoting of godly values are the most powerful tools a mother can use to unleash the potential of her children.” ― David Jeremiah

What have you been given as a mother? I have often always been intrigued by the story of Jochabed, the mother of Moses, and how she used the time she was given here on earth to protect her son. She was bold and strategic and in that short time, she received wisdom concerning her son’s God given destiny.

Also, there are tools and resources that can empower and help you as you walk this motherhood path. But I want to share with you three important things that I think every mother should have in her hands and heart.


Do you know that life is short and seasons will come and go? And as a mother, you have been given the same amount of time to share, love, give and create memories with your children. We all have been given the same amount of time to teach, to lead and to impact our children for a lifetime. And it is true that within the space of this time you have been given, you can shape minds, write great stories and influence the next generation after you.

You have been given time to love, minutes to serve, moments to give, seconds to teach and forgive, days to pray and moments to make great memories with your children.

However, time passes quickly and you may never get those lost moments back if you never invest time in creating them. Quit complaining, rise up from the many challenges of motherhood and use the time you have in your hands to build, give, love and make lasting memories with your family.

“Time is more valuable than money. You can always get more money, but you can’t get more time.” Jim Rohn


It is said that education commences at the mother’s knees. Every mother is a teacher and you teach not just with lessons and words – your life, values and actions will in one way or the other be passed on to your children.

You are like the mirror through which your child will look to see what the world looks like. If Mommy is beautiful, then I am beautiful – your child will say. If Mommy is smart then I can be smart.

A mother’s life is like a book that her children will read someday, within its chapters, they will  find hope, courage and inspiration for their own life’s journey.

We have been called as mothers to pass on the baton of faith and love to the next generation. Our words matter and our values can give direction to our children.

Live everyday embracing FAITH AND COURAGE in your heart for this journey of shaping lives. Let your words always be filled with wisdom and truth and HONESTY being your watchword. Strive to teach your children the value of HARD WORK and show them the power of PERSISTENCE for everyday living. Shun LAZINESS and IDLENESS in your own life and help your child discover the beauty and power of their IMAGINATION.

Show your children what GOD’S LOVE looks like through your actions and help them see why COMPASSION is a truly noble virtue that we all must possess as humans. Let your child know that hope must never be lost in life and that A LIFE OF SERVICE and GIVING  is all that truly matters in the end.

You are that mother who must have values to teach. Let your words match your actions and your life be a true reflection of your heavenly father.

 “A man’s values will travel with him throughout his lifetime.” Unknown


“I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.” ―Abraham Lincoln

Your words are powerful as a mother and as you speak them forth, their creative power become manifest.

As a mother, you must have words of affirmations to speak. Stand firm in your identity in God, open your mouth and tell yourself who you are irrespective of what the world may think or say.

Say to yourself: I am a mother. I am smart, I am bold, I can do all things, I am valuable, I am a blessing not a burden, I am an asset not a liability to my children and family.

These are words of affirmation and many more that can fill your mouth and life on a daily basis. A mother always has so much in her heart to say, especially her desire for her children and her faith for their future. Sometimes those words cannot be captured in words.

But as a mother, you can learn to pray to God daily and entrust the lives of your children to him. There will be times when words will elude you in your life as a mother. The trials and pain will seem to overwhelm you in those seasons. But you must let the silent conversations in your heart go on. Let those unspoken words come alive in love letters written to your heavenly father. God knows your struggles and hears every silent conversation going on in your heart.

You are that mother who is a warrior and can fight on her knees in prayer for the destinies of your children. You can go to battle with words from heaven to win back a lost child. Let your words be laced with wisdom, filled with hope and always garnished with gratitude. And remember that your words and prayers will always matter on this motherhood journey.

And may this heart of yours as a mother always be filled with prayers to speak to God and words of affirmations to build your faith. What other things do you hold in your heart and hands as a mother?

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  1. I could truly relate to what you wrote, which isn’t something that I come across very much. I enjoyed this post and the encouragement you are giving to mothers! Blessings to you and your children!

    1. Ufuoma Fijabi says:

      Thank you ma’am. I am glad you enjoyed reading. Amen to your prayers.

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